Growing Roots Story

This story has been provided by Carol, a member of Growing Roots – a local gardening project. She told us about some of the great work Growing Roots has been doing and why.

Photo of allotment used by Growing Roots

‘The activity of gardening is known to be a great help for people who suffer from enduring mental health difficulties.  Research shows that gardening can improve mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, and improving sleep, hope, and emotional wellbeing.

Growing Roots operates as a referred scheme accepting referrals from professional organisations.  Our mission is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for clients with mental health difficulties to plan and grow their own produce on an allotment in Highfield Park located in the south eastern corner of St Albans.                                

The majority of our clients over the years have been single people living in accommodation where there is no garden that could be used for growing vegetables and fruit.  

Photo of some of the produce produced at Growing Roots

Clients come each week to cultivate their plants, and they take home the produce at harvest-time.  We like to swap recipes and talk about how to prepare the vegetables and fruit for cooking. We have found that clients are keen to learn about growing crops, or to use the skills that they have already learned.   

What some of our clients have said –

“I learned how to cook rhubarb and so have rhubarb and custard for my dessert, something I wouldn’t have known if it weren’t for the allotment”.

“Cooking and eating what you’ve grown is so much more satisfying and fulfilling”.

“I am glad I am not left on my own, I have never grown carrots successfully and I don’t know what went wrong before.  Now I am learning what helps”.’

We want to thank Carol for sending the Growing Roots story to us. It is very inspiring to hear about the impact that growing and cooking in such a sustainable way can have for local people.

For more details please contact Carol Prowse on 07779423126 or visit

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